hal holbrook

Hal Holbrook's Sunny Disposition - Interviews - News - IFC.com
At 84 years young, actor Hal Holbrook has had drama coursing through his veins for over a half-century, going back to when Ed Sullivan had him on TV to perform a piece from his beloved one-man play, "Mark Twain Tonight. ...
MovingPictureBlog: After all these years, Hal Holbrook still doesn ...
Don't misunderstand: Hal Holbrook is very happy and deeply grateful to receive the prestigious Excellence in Acting award next week at the Starz Denver Film Festival. But if you push the Emmy- and Tony-winning living legend on the ...
That Evening Sun -- Film Review
Hal Holbrook continues his late-career renaissance, begun so vividly with his Oscar-nominated turn in "Into the Wild," with this elegiac drama about an octogenarian who still has a lot of fight left in him. ...
Indie Trailer Sunday: Hal Holbrook in That Evening Sun Trailer ...
The latest movie news, movie trailers, movie reviews, interviews, rumors, hype, and everything related to the theatrical experience straight from Hollywood and beyond.
'That Evening Sun' Trailer Shines with Hal Holbrook - Movies ...
'That Evening Sun' Trailer Shines with Hal Holbrook 'Mulan' Movie Trailer Paranormal Act... “Evening” Prize Package Giveaway. Hitting theaters June 29th is Focus Features' latest film drama, Evening. Evening is a screen ada. ...
That Evening Sun Starring Hal Holbrook in Theaters November 6
That Evening Sun Starring Hal Holbrook in Theaters November 6.
'That Evening Sun' Director Scott Teems: 'My kids say I look like ...
I'm the first to admit that I had long ago typecast Hal Holbrook in my mind as Mark Twain, and it took some doing to shake that image from my head. But then we saw Into the Wild, and we knew we'd seen Abner Meecham, in the flesh. ...
Scrooge, Boxes and Goats Lead Season's Unlikeliest Box-Office ...
20), That Evening Sun is a revelatory little gem featuring Hal Holbrook as Abner Meecham, an ornery Tennessee octogenarian who escapes a nursing facility to return to his farm miles out of town. There, he finds a family renting the ...
[NEWS] [GALLERY] That Evening Sun, a film by Scott Teems - That ...
Photo Gallery for That Evening Sun, a film by Scott Teems, starring Hal Holbrook, Ray McKinnon and Carrie Preston.... ... Hal Holbrook (Abner Meecham). Be the first to post a message about Hal Holbrook. Ray McKinnon (Lonzo Choat) ...
who do you think will win Performance by an actor in a supporting role at the acadamy awards?
personally i think it should be:
Daniel Day-Lewis for Best Actor drama
Julie Christie for best actress drama
Johnny Depp for best actor comedy or musical
Ellen Page or Amy Adams best actress comedy or musical
No Country for old men- best picture drama
Juno best picture comedy.
Cate Blanchett best supporting actress
Javier Bardem best supporting actor
The Simpsons Movie best animated film
The diving Bell and the Butterfly best foreign language film
the Coen Brothers best directors
Juno best screenplay
The only movie in my opinion that had gotten comepletely snubbed was Into The Wild.
It should have gotten Best Picture, Best Actor, supporting Actor, supporting Actress (Emile Hirsch, Hal Holbrook, Catherine Keener (who should deffinitely have won, or at least gotten nominated))
Who do you think should win the Golden Globes this year for the major awards (acting, picture,director)?
Which is the better movie and who will win the Oscars?
Best Picture- There will be Blood or Into the Wild
Best Director- Paul Tom Anderson or Sean Penn
Best Actor- Daniel Day Lewis or Emile Hirsch
Best Supporting Actor- Paul Dano or Hal Holbrook
Best Adapted Screenplay- There will be Blood or Into the Wild
If you have any other choices who you think will win, then put them down.
Note: Don't let the Politics of Sean Penn affect your predictions
There will be Blood or Into the Wild?
I am trying to find the 1988 movie I'll be Home for Christmas with Hal Holbrook. Any suggestions?
In the movie, Into the Wild, Hal Holbrook plays Ron Franz. Who is this character in the movie? Describe Franz.
BEAUTY also stars Hal Holbrook
Movie Beauty staring Janine Turner?
she was an actress.
who was hal holbrook's mother?
get a video or DVD of it??
It was SOOOOO good. Hal Holbrook was awesome,as always.
Does anyone remember that TV Movie, "The Awakening Land"? It was on in the 70's. Do you know where I could ..
i saw hal holbrook! a real star! i am pretty excited!!!!!!!!!he was getting on the elevator here at the Embassy Suites when we were getting off! it was cool!i didnt talk to him b/c i didnt realize it was him until afterwords. + i wouldnt want to freak him out!
not a question but a comment!?
The movies stars Elizabeth Montgomery as Sayward Luckett, and Hal Holbrook as her husband Portius.
Can the movie "The Awakening Land" be purchased online?
hal holbrook played on a series with someone with the name Fish. I think it was a detective show. what was it called?
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