baby stroller train

Baby survives when train hits stroller | Weird | News | Winnipeg Sun
Police in Australia say a six-month-old baby has miraculously survived a train hitting his stroller that had rolled onto the tracks.
Baby in stroller hit by a train—and survives - Need to watch ...
Canada's only national weekly current affairs magazine.
Amazing Video: Baby In Stroller Is OK After Falling Under Moving ...
Amazing Video: Baby In Stroller Is OK After Falling Under Moving Train. 8:30. October 16, 2009. comments. byline goes here. By Mark Memmott. Wow: According to Australia's Herald Sun, the six-month-old boy -- who was thankfully strapped ...
Baby OK after train hits stroller in Australia - KTNV ABC,Channel ...
MELBOURNE, Australia (AP) - Police in Australia say a 6-month-old baby has miraculously survived a train hitting his stroller that had rolled onto the tracks. The train pushed the stroller about 130 feet (40 meters) along the tracks ...
Mom panics, baby survives when train hits stroller that rolled ...
Baby OK after train hits stroller in AustraliaMELBOURNE, Australia — Police in Australia say a 6-month-old baby has miraculously survived a train hitting his stroller that had rolled onto the tracks.
Miraculous (Video): Train Hits Baby Stoller - Boy Survives with ...
The train pushed the stroller about 130 feet (40 meters) along the tracks as it pulled into Ashburton station in Melbourne's east on Thursday afternoon. The six-month-old baby boy whose stroller rolled onto railway tracks in front of an ...
Baby survives after falling under train - CNN International
BBC News Baby survives after falling under train CNN International (CNN) -- A six-month-old baby had a miraculous escape after his stroller rolled off a railway station platform and into the path of an incoming train.
YG NEWS: Baby in Pram Stroller Falls on Tracks Hit by Train Video
Melbourne Australia - Ashburton Train Station - Baby in Pram Stroller Falls on Tracks Survives Uninjured This has to be one of the most miraculous stories of survival this year. A baby in a pram rolls over the edge at a railway station ...
Baby survives falling in front of train - DaBears - Chicago Bears ...
If you cant watch the video, a mother is waiting at a train station in Australia, forgets to put the brake on her stroller, the wind pushes the stroller, and it falls off the platform right as a TRAIN pulls in. A horrible nightmare for ...
Where do babies sit during train ride?
This is what I have on there (im breastfeeding and using cloth diapers)
Cradle n Swing
Playpen Net (I already have the playpen and plan to use it as a bassinet)
Carseat Net (already got the carseat and stroller too)
Head support for carseat
JJ Cole Bundle me for carseat
The Moby Wrap
Babybjorn infant potty chair (thought Id try early potty training since im cloth diapering)
Safety First easy saver diaper pail
Halo Cotton Sleepsack
Playtex insulated bottle cooler (for transporting expressed milk)
9 4oz Playtex Drop-in bottles
Drop in Liners
18 breastmilk adapter rings for dropin liners
Grabn go bottle warmer
madela pump in style double (any thing good to say about a cheaper pump?)
Sounds n lights monitor
Kushies Biodegradable diaper liners
Gel free breast pack
Graco convertible crib ( do these come with a matress?)
Keep me dry sheat saver pads
1 serta contour pad
Crib Wedge
Vented sleep postioner
temporal artery thermometer
Sun Dome ( we go to the beach alot)
3 Dozen infant cloth diapers
6 thirsties diaper covers
3 snappis
How many onesies should be here?
6 Mommys touch One size aio diapers w?snaps (for outings and going to grandmas)
I already have 4 Receiving Blankets, 6 night gowns, countless outfits and pajamas)
(need cloth diaperers and breastfeeders) Im sticking to the basics but what else for a baby registry?
Im a young mother who would really like to take regular walks with baby in the stroller but I'm always by myself, so I just got a doberman pup and I was wondering If I could train her to growl on command. I have a feeling shes going to be pretty friendly so I don't think she would protect me if anything ever happened out by ourselves. I don't know just tell me what you think
Can you train a dog to growl on command?
My husband and I went for a walk with our 2 kids and the dog today. My 3 yr old was on his bike that he got for his b-day. It's a 2 wheeler with training wheels on it. I was pushing the stroller with my 8 month old and I also had the dog. My 3 yr old and husband were ahead of me and my boy was peddling on his bike when my hubby let him go on his own. He's only been on the bike twice but he ended up picking up speed and ran into a poll and fell off the bike. Luckily he was okay and didn't cry but my husband let the whole thing happen. He didn't even try to catch him. I wasn't able to as my hands were full and I was to far away from them. I was so mad at him and still am right now and this happend over 7 hrs ago. I raced over and picked him off the ground and he was so scared to get back on the bike. I asked my husband what he was thinking and he said that he needs to learn and this is how he will learn. He said I baby him to much and he should just pick himself up and get back onthe bike. I can't believe I was hearing this nd the thought of him just standing there when he could have prevented it and grabbed him. Are men this stupid??????? Aren't parents supposed to watch out for their kids not hurt them? I could understand if it was an accident but it was on purpose. I am so glad my boy was not hurt. But now he is affriad of the bike. Total opposite of what my hubby wanted to happen. He says I am over reacting! How would you deal with it????
How would you react to this?
I recently bought a BOB jogging stroller and we're ready to go for runs with our 6.5 month old baby. He sits up well and holds his head up fine.
The doctor says its fine to go running with him. My wife and I are runners and want to train for long runs. So my question is if there are guidelines on how long you can run with a baby in a jogging stroller?
I.e. 1 hour, 2 hours...
How long can I safely run with my baby in a jogging stroller?
i regularly go to the gym but some days i need to stay home with my baby. by the time my husband gets home, i dont feel like training.
if i choose to walk with the stroller , how far should i go , if i want it to be considered a work-out????????
how far do i need to walk , if i want it to count as a workout?
I was on the train coming home from Old Navy shopping for spring clothes for my 9 month old daughter and I had her in her stroller. I saw another woman on the train with her baby in the stroller and lots of people on the train were looking at my baby and said she's adorable and my baby smiled at them and this lady looked at me in a mean way. She had her son covered in a blanket and no one could see her baby and plus her baby was asleep. I feel bad that her baby didn't get the attention my baby had but she shouldn't give me an evil look.. What do you guys think?
This lady is jealous of my baby?
Okay i have posted before about him MANY times until I got tired of airing my dirty laundry here, lol, but I am abck to it again bc I just cant take it anymore. To make a long story short, I have been with my bf for 4 yrs now. We have an 8-month-old baby girl together, the pregnancy like most was unplanned.Then, the baby was born. He helped out on his first few days off, but then eventually it landed on me. He had some anxiety problems and difficulties adjusting to fatherhood and work, which he saw a therapist for, whom he refuses to see anymore, so I began to take on all the responsibility of caring for her while he worked.
Now we both agreed before she was born even that I would stay at home with her the 1st year, while he worked. Which means I have NO MONEY COMING IN. Yet, my bf doesnt give me any money. sometimes we run out of groceries, and he wont give me money to buy them, unless it's something essential for her like diapers or formula. For example, all we have left is totrtillas, cheese, coke, and avocados. That's it, literally! Bc I got my tax money back, I could actually buy some of my own food---but it just makes me mad I have to, when thats his responsibility, bc he works. This has been like this for 8 mons now. Him not keeping up with his responsibilities.
He has rarely bathed our daughter, rarely changed her diaper. His excuse? He works, and "I dont" (his words, not mine). ,But yet he has 3 days off, and those 3 days he usually spends on the computer, working on his website as a hobby instead of being with us. His attitude is 'I'm here, so i can take care of her". We go to the park altogether about once every 2 weeks, but never a big fun outing.
He says finally this weekend he may want to go on a big outing, but he has a track record of saying he wants to do something then change his mind
His excuse for not wanting to go big outings with us is "shes too little". I could understand if she was a newborn, but shes 8 mons! It disturbs me how he thinks that we should keep her "shut up" inside all day bc shes a baby, other than going to the park or the occasional restaurant.
So basically, he expects me to 'scrounge around" and make do with what food we have here. Luckily as I said already, I have money in my account finally from my tax break. But I dont see why it has to resort to me buying groceries when he has a job that pays and I dont? And so I kinda told him how i felt about that, and he said "too bad". He goes to the grocery store when HE feels like going. I had to buy our daughter's rice cereal and baby food (and car seat and stroller, the cars eat he's paying me back for when he gets his tax money back!) with my tax break bc he hadn't gone to the grocery store and stocked up on babyfood either. other ppl say I'm enabling him, but what am I supposed to do? Not have baby food around bc I want to protest, thus making my daughter have to pay the price? He wont give me the money to go grocery stopping bc he thinks I'll spend too much. Bc I prefer to buy Pampers instead of generic cheap rough diapers. B/c I like to have a variety of food and drink. Then he also harps on me about "dragging baby around". He says when I take her out on these errands, I am dragging her around---yet am i supposed to just sit here and have nothing to eat besides whatever scraps are in the house,? He knows it's hard on me to go to the grocery store with a baby, yet he leaves me no choice, though he discourages me from doing it. And sadly, it's with my tax break money this time or with money i borrowed from my mother----pathetic I know. and he makes good money if you ask me---roughly 40,000 a year. This past month he's been putting all his money in stocks.
And before anyone gets on me about getting a job, yes I know. It's just we had an AGREEMENT that while he worked, for the first year I'd take care of the baby.
Basically I feel like I am all on my own except he pays rent, and buys her formula diapers and baby wipes and most the time jarred baby food, but that's it. Taking her to the park or walks, I do. Even when he's off, I usually go alone bc he doesn't want to. Basically I feel like I do everything alone anyway and I cant rely on him for much, so why even stay with him? Does anyone have a similar situation? What did you do? What do you think I should do?
He knwos how I feel, I've made it clear. I've been ncie and mature about it.
He's been acting nicer lately, then last night he had a setback. He yelled at me in front of the baby bc I asked what he had for lunch (since I was curious bc he acts like I should eats scraps, but what about him?) He apologized, and then seemed like he was trying to make up for it, bc he said he'd like to take us somewhere all 3 of us fun this weekend, like to a dolphin show or train ride in wine country.he is a cable guy, he installs cable and works 10-12 hrs shifts sometimes. But he has 3 days off.
What do you think I should do about my baby's father?
i baby sit a three year old and if you ask her to put a bowl in the sink she says what? she refers to almost everything as "this", when she talks you can only understand some of what she says the rest just sounds like jiberish, her mom doesn't even understand what she is saying half the time... she is not potty trained which i figure she should at least be getting started on at this point. and her mom always wants me to push her around in a stroller which she seems to big to be in one at all times...personally i am suspicious that she has some type of developmental problem but i haven't brought it up to her mom yet...what does everyone think? iu am really concerned and want serious answers...thank you.
how much does the average 3 year old understand?
heres the background scoop:
k so i have a 7 month old baby girl...such a happy baby...anyway...
im 25 first, shes my first baby (an only one til maybe im 35 or something) her daddy is 35 n his only baby as far as he knows
we both agree that one child is good enough because we both want only the best for our lil baby. so far we've bought her only the best strollers highchairs, crib...princess bed w/ canopy n furniture etc. shes also been fortunate enough that shes constantly getting hooked up with gifts.
Now im a stay at home mom and my bf works n provides. He makes good $ thank daughter is very fortunate to have a father like him because he will always provide for her even if he works 3 jobs i have this one friend who isnt so fortunate shes a single mom... she works hard n the government helps her so she manages ...shes a great mom n mages to overpass any obstacle that goes her way...
we hang out alot ...she also has a baby..hes a boy n is 14 months...hes in daycare cuz she works .. at daycare they obviously teach the kids to share n that sharing is the right thing to when she comes over sometimes her son wants to grab my daughters teething toys n chew on them ...slobber n stuff n it bothers me a bit daughter makes fussy noises cuz she wants her toy friend just tell her "u need to share... let him play with it ...sharing is nice
now my concern is i really feel like my daughter shouldnt have to share...shes gonna be an only child n will have everything she desires as long as shes a good girl n does well...y should she share?
i feel i may be wrong n feeling this way... thing is i grew up with nothing...used second hand clothes throughout my entire child. I'm one of 5 so we didnt have much
so i guess deep down i want her to have all the things i wish i had n maybe to overcome the shortcomings i experienced..
tell do u think i should train my mind to think differently..give me examples..or whatever
sorry its so long ...Thanx
sharing... whats wrong with me? tell me what u think?
i want to know if its possible for an 18 year old to wear pullups training pants,huggies diapers,pampers diapers,easy ups,little swimmers,or splashers? also is it possible for me to fit in a baby high chair,a baby stroller and a baby crib? is it possible for me to wear a baby bib to? im 145 lbs roughly plz help im an ab/dl
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