jon stewart glenn beck

Jon Stewart Does Glenn Beck: Touts Conspiracy Theories, Cries (VIDEO)
We knew Jon Stewart was a talented comedian, but until last night we didn't know he had missed his true calling: Being Glenn Beck. Yes, the "Daily Show" host spent an entire segment acting like, talking like, crying like, dancing like, ...
Jon Stewart's Pitch-Perfect Glenn Beck Impression | Indecision ...
When I heard Glenn Beck had appendicitis, I thought there were only a few reasonable culprits. A vengeful God certainly came to mind. It could have also been.
Alas, a blog » Blog Archive » Jon Stewart Channels Glenn Beck
Jon Stewart Channels Glenn Beck. Posted by Jeff Fecke | November 5th, 2009. And discovers the sinister plot to steal Glenn Beck's precious bodily organs. Is he crazy, or is he so sane he just blew your mind? ...
Jon Stewart Spoofs Glenn Beck, The Daily Show November 5 (Video)
Jon Stewart spoofs Glenn Beck in this November 5 Daily Show video clip… oh, Jon Stewart, could we love you any more? The mannerisms, air quotes, blackboard, crying and conspiracy theories… Jon Stewart nails Glenn Beck as he introduces ...
11/3 Project: Jon Stewart IS Glenn Beck | Oliver Willis
Now THIS Is Indoctrination Of Children. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. One Response to “11/3 Project: Jon Stewart IS Glenn Beck”. Indeed says: November 6, 2009 at 8:31 am. J-Stew gave 110% for that one. Nice. ... » Jon Stewart Mocks Glenn Beck's Appendectomy
"Isn't it fascinating that I'm the only one with the courage to ask these questions?"
» Jon Stewart's Parody of Glenn Beck Liberal Values
Jon Stewart's Parody of Glenn Beck. November 6, 2009 — Ron Chusid. The Daily Show With Jon Stewart, Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c. The 11/3 Project · · Daily Show Full Episodes · Political Humor · Health Care Crisis ...
Gotcha Media: Daily Show: Jon Stewart as Glenn Beck
Daily Show: Jon Stewart as Glenn Beck. Jon unveiled his Glenn Beck impression last night. The Daily Show With Jon Stewart ... Posted by Matt Wilstein at 9:06 AM. Labels: daily show, glenn beck, jon stewart. 0 comments: Post a Comment ...
Jon stewart glenn beck - surchur
Jon Stewart Does Glenn Beck: Devotes Segment To Crazy Conspiracy .. We knew Jon Stewart was a talented comedian, but | Huffpost - Jon Stewart Does Glenn Beck: Crazy Conspiracy Theories And Almost Crying (VIDEO) ...
When even Jon Stewart slams media for avoiding the ACORN story, what do you say libs?
He blasted ACORN last night and sounded just like Glenn Beck and anyone else on FOX news.In fact he blasted them harder than what Beck does.I ask this because Liberals came on here all the time when Bush was in office praising Stewart like he was an actual politician or something.He basically applauded FOX news last night..SO, is he a right wing nut too now?Ahh ok.So NOW he is a comedian.Got it.
Liberals,Is Jon Stewart a radical right wing nut now?
Gee he sounded just like Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity tonight.hahahah When Bush was in office you all quoted him daily like he was a politican.Now you concur he's a comedian.LOL..And he hit ACORN bigger tonight than what anyone on FOX ever has lolIn fact,he dang near APPLAUDED fox NEWS TONIGHT!
Liberals,is Jon Stewart a right wing nut now for saying ACORN are a bunch of criminals?
Here's a video showing just haw blatantly hypocritical this guy really is.
Why do people actually listen to this Glenn Beck guy and actually believe he has your best interest in mind?
And why hasn't Fox or Comedy Central done this yet? The ratings would be through the roof!
Who would win in a debate between Glenn Beck and Jon Stewart?
I think it's crazy how both liberal and conservative news shows spin stories to make eachother look bad. I am conservative, but they are definitely not innocent (just watch an episode of Glenn Beck). The only news show I actually can listen to without puking is The Daily Show. Is Stewart just as partial and I'm missing it? What do you guys think.Kirk S.--i understand its not a technical news show, i'm saying that it seems like i get more facts from that show than from watching that show than from watching 'real' news shows. He still reports things, just makes jokes. He makes fun of everyone lol.
Do you think that Jon Stewart is impartial or not?
I remember in January of 2008 that Glenn Beck had an operation and then criticized health care in America for how he was treated. Then last week I start watching Jon Stewart and find out that now Beck's saying that America has the best healthcare in the world ! I'm confused. Please explain to me where Beck stands on this issue. If he has changed his mind on healthcare reform please explain to me why.
The nearly four minute segment from the Daily Show that confused me can be found be clicking on the link below : Awesome, who cares what you think about healthcare either? You're also not a Representative or a Senator.
After watching Jon Stewart I'm confused as to where Glenn Beck stands on healthcare reform, do you know?
around 3:20 is the best part
Daily Show also had some great coverage,
around 1:12 is the best part, a montage of Glenn Beck hypocrisy, Rachel McAdams isn't bad either
enjoy!lol, it is Glenn Beck, its just him talking, there isn't even a need for a punchline
Anyone miss the Colbert Report on Thursday? If so, check out the link.? Obama tries to fix it he says its the best?! ?
Whats up with Glenn Beck! When he's treated by our Health care he says its the worst?
I just can't find it possible to genuinely listen to their propaganda for more than 10 minutes. The average person will start losing brain cells with that much stupidity in such little time. Jon Stewart and Steven Colbert are more qualified for news, and they're comedians.
Do Conservatives actually watch Glenn Beck or Bill O'Reilly?
I was watching Glenn Beck earlier and apparently he is going on a comedy tour..GOOD GRIEF. Are you serious? I think he is crazy, I don't find him funny at all.
I consider myself as an independent and my parents are VERY conservative.
This is part of the reason why the Democratic Party is so attractive to young voters like myself. Because funny and SMART liberal comedians like Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, David Letterman, and the whole SNL cast do such a great job displaying the flaws of the Republican Party in a hilarious way.
It is so silly when people like Glenn Beck and Dennis Miller, who are not funny at all try to make fun of liberals. Where are the funny guys at?
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