army times

Most U.S. youths unfit to serve, data show - Army News, news from ...
US military-age youth are increasingly unfit to serve — mostly because they're in such lousy shape.
Carson holds ceremony for deploying troops - Army News, news from ...
FORT CARSON, Colo. — Dozens of Fort Carson soldiers are set to start deploying this week to Afghanistan and Iraq.
Sen. blocking bill: Objection is cost, not vets - Army News, news ...
The senator holding up consideration of an omnibus veterans' health bill doesn't hate veterans and their families, but he does hate the idea of creating new benefits without paying for them, his spokesman says.
McHugh: Focus is on where service falls short
Army Secretary John McHugh thinks the Army is probably big enough to meet the needs of two wars and a predicted era of persistent conflict.McHugh acknowledged in a wide-ranging exclusive interview that the Army is heavily stressed, ...
Coburn named as senator holding up vets bill - Army News, news ...
Thirteen major military and veterans groups have joined forces to try to force one senator — Republican Tom Coburn of Oklahoma — to release a hold that he has placed on a major veterans benefits bill.
National parks free for everyone Nov. 11 - Army News, news from ...
Anyone visiting national parks, refuges and other public recreation areas on Veterans Day, Wednesday, Nov. 11, will pay no entrance fees, Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar announced today.
Afghanistan insurgency has grown 10-fold - Army News, news from ...
KABUL — The expansion of Islamic extremist groups across the Afghanistan-Pakistan region is “the worst I've seen it,” with Afghan insurgents receiving help from Iranian operatives and “very possibly” freelancing Pakistani intelligence ...
SF soldier arrested after C-4 found near house - Army News, news ...
NASHVILLE, Tenn. — A Special Forces soldier was arrested Monday after a pair of hunters found about 100 pounds of explosives outside his home near Fort Campbell.
McHugh: Army can handle lift of gay ban - Army News, news from ...
Army Secretary John McHugh, who spent 17 years in Congress as a Republican lawmaker before being asked to head the Army by a Democrat administration, finds himself at the center of debate over President Barack Obama's pledge to try to ...
How should I handle this situation with our neighbor?
Im a army teen i live in Mannheim, Germany army base and i really need money i live with 5 other people in the building and with a lot of people in the community so if we have a yard sale the hole base has to do it at the same time so that is out the list please help
How to make easy fast money in Nov 6 or 7 of 2009?
I'm 18 years old. I live at home, I'm going to school full time and in two more years I'll graduate with my nursing degree. My boyfriend is also 18 and is in the Army.... and, we just found out, I'm pregnant. My mom is really old-fashioned, and she is going to FREAK when I tell her... any suggestions as to how I should go about this?? I'm definitely keeping the baby, and my boyfriend and I are both excited about becoming parents (despite the challenges we're going to face). Right now my main concern is my mother, and how she's going to handle this.
Any advice at all would be appreciated! :(
How should I tell my mom I'm pregnant?
I need everyone's help here.
My husband and I live in an apartment complex. We live on the second floor, and there's this chick that just moved in like 6 months ago downstairs. For the most part we haven't talked to her too much, as we like to keep to ourselves at the apartment complex...but lately she has come out of the wood works.
Please pardon the length of this, but I need some opinions.
One day we were outside on our balcony smoking and talking to one of our other neighbors who was out walking his dog. She comes back from the gym and then just interrupts and starts talking. Well a dump truck comes by so she figures it's too loud, and points her finger upwards. Next thing you know she is knocking on our door. To be polite, my husband lets her in and she automatically plops down on my couch. My husband said "uh, we're still outside" so she follows him outside and starts chatting. Now meanwhile, she is staring at my husband the entire time she's talking rarely glancing at me.
Other things that have happened is where my husband will be on the internet at the clubhouse and she was there and got some coffee and then looked over his shoulder (he was on a police dept website because he just got a letter from a police department in response to an application he submitted)...he didn't speak to her..and she asks "What did you get accepted or something?" As if this is any of her business..
Another day she walks into the clubhouse with knitting needles and says to my husband "i'm knitting a scarf for myself, wanna see?" He replies "no, and i'm on the phone with my wife right now". An another occassion she proceeds to tell my husband how she's getting into yoga and how it makes her feel balanced. My husband asked me...why does she feel it important to tell me these things?
Another night she's talking to both of us on our balcony telling us she's going to let us borrow some movies (which we didn't ask for) and also that she might be joining the military and if she does she is going to give us her fish tank (again...we didn't ask for this).
I've asked my husband if he thinks she's flirting with him, and he said he doesn't think so, or just has not picked up on it.
What I find my husband is in the Army. I knit, and my hubby and I both do yoga and we have a fish tank. All of these are things she's mentioned to me and my husband which we have never talked to her about. It's almost as if she's trying to Or just too much of a coincidence.
So with this woman imposing in coversation, and also inviting herself into our home...we've decided that it's best that I knock on her door this evening to speak to her about how she is making us uncomfortable.
I need to know how to approach this..because I don't want to be mean.
Should I approach it as:
A. Since she does undercover work and probably doesn't have much of a social life, that she just doesn't know her place in social situations and is just desparate friends.
B. Or do you think she has a thing for my husband....
My husband wants nothing to do with her, and like I said I want to be nice, but I need to know the best approach. My guess is option A. is the best approach because she hasn't crossed any lines like to flirting or anything yet...
Background: My husband and I are caucasian 28 and 24 respectively and this woman is 32 and caucasian, no boyfriend, and we've never seen anyone at her apartment.
Should I talk to our neighbor about how she is making us feel uncomfortable?
Okay, its about a girl called Mara and her friend Alistair who mysteriously goes missing while trying to find unaffected food, because a plague was made to kill off skin cancer, but it went terribly wrong. Now everyone is the undead. Walking around and feeding amongst the living. The chapter isn't finished yet, tell me what you think and what the novel should be called.
1. Alistair
My eyes fluttered open, sweat pouring off my face. And my head throbbing and screaming at me. I was home, but something was different. I don’t have that alone feeling like I get when I wake up every morning. My hand stayed glued to the gun under my pillow. With a flash, I pulled the gun from under the pillow and pointed it at... nothing. Just the morning sun gleaming underneath the door. I let out a low, long sigh. My paranoia is getting to me again. Ever since Alistair went missing I haven’t been myself. Everything seems to make me jump, even the howl of the wind makes me want to crawl under my bed and hide. I ran my fingers through my short hair. I let out another sigh, “ Jeez I could kill for a cheeseburger” I giggle lightly to myself. I peeped out of the hole made in the boarding, something glistening caught my attention. I bit my lip, risk my life to get this mysterious necessity? But what if it’s a can of peaches in juice? Something I’ve been craving for weeks. Or what if it’s a trap, a can of infected peaches in juice. My brain was still throbbing from the god awful nightmare. I wasn’t usually this intrigued by something perplexing outside. Because its usually a trap. My stomach was, of coarse saying yes, but my head, which is usually right is telling me no. I bite down harder on my lip, not too hard for it to bleed. Because that is plain stupid. Just enough so my mind would think more on the pain then screaming the word No! over again. That was it, with a huff my shorts were on and my gun lodged between my ankle and my combat boots. And three Swiss army knives in my back pockets. I was ready to be torn to pieces. I pulled the boarding enough so I could slip through the crack. The sunlight was hot, and the sweat was already building on my head. I reached down to get my semi loaded gun, but there was nothing there. Except for the pieces of newspaper that blew past. It was strange, too strange. I walked, slowly and cautiously towards the gleaming inanimate object. I bent down, it was a silver locket. Alistair’s locket. I let out a soft sob, proves what happened to him. I ran my fingers over the ingravement on the back, I read it to myself over and over again, “ Alistair Xavier Huff.”
Tears were building up in my eyes, I’m the only person left. How long till I get ripped to shreds? I had so many question, and I wanted answer. Do I survive this plague outbreak? Is Alistair alive?
My thinking was interrupted by a voice, his voice. Alistair’s velvet voice. “ Mara, listen to me. You have to run now! They know where you live, its just a matter of time. Please god sakes, please run for me” behind my was a low, and familiar groan. I span around, gun in hand. I shot three times, the blood covered corpse fell to the ground. Splashing mud in my face. I flinched back, I didn’t realize the swarm of the undead behind me. How could I let myself be fooled by this. I got up and began to ran, I didn’t care what direction or where I was going all I needed to do was run.
Copyright © 2009 by Dana Marie
My new chapter, Need help with book titles too.?
Alright..I ETS'ed on Oct 24th and been on Leave since Sept. 2nd..I finished my outprocessing on Oct. 9th(Yes! you can outprocess while on leave).
Here's my question: When is the approx time I can receive my final and last pay from the Army(Active Duty)?
I got my pay for Oct 15th..and I know for a fact I'm not suppose to get paid on Nov 1st. So...when is the my pay suppose to come in..I'm dying here! I got a wife & 3 kids and we can't pay for rent for the month of December. I already filed for unemployment on Oct 25th(the day after I ETS'ed) and I don't know if they're gonna be enough to get rid of all my bills(generally rent, power, and water).
BTW..I enlisted in the Army Reserves before my ETS date...haven't gotten to in-processing there because when I call..NO ONE is every there to answer..I even left a voice msg. But just wanted to tell ya' case that count towards anything with my final pay.
Final Pay Check....when?
Ammm... well i'd a pretty weird dream last night... Bear with me on this one!
I was drafted into the army. Had to go to war. Hadnt had any training or anything cos id missed the last week or two. Its like the war was arranged too. Just for fun like. Anyway i was terrified and seriously freaked out. They let me do welfare in a cabin tho (makin' sandwiches and taking care of casualties etc). Because i can Lucid dream, i made the cabin become an underground bunker.
My grandmother was in another cabin with a disabled girl who got killed. Organisin' a funeral or somethin'!
I went outside to see if i could find somewhere safer. Saw heads in the grass and freaked out. Turns out it was people from another group that were helpin' us...
Then all these black trucks vans with sirens pulled up with the enemy in them. I ran back in and waited for them to pass. The war started anyway up the hill a bit so i ran to a darkhaired skinny girl and guy who were sitting by this stone monument. The girl pushed the stone to reveal a huge hole underneath it. It was a tunnell. we all jumped in and covered it over. Said we'd hide there til the war was over! All of a sudden i'm in this bar. Its like i travelled back in time though. To like the early 1900's or somethin'! Where only men could sit at the bar and whatnot! anyway im talkin' to all these old men when i notice the barman starts lighting a fire. Then i realise the tunnell we were in was the chimney! I try save the other two who are still in there.
Cant remember the outcome.
But the next dream involved me and a few friends- one guy, Patrick, i was convinced i knew in real life- but realised i don't- seeing a red ghost that kept changing shape... Weird eh??
I had a dream i went into war. Can anyone analyse this?
Ok here's the deal,
i know for a POSITIVE fact that if i join the
marines or army, i want to go for sniper training and
become a sniper. the question's i have are...
1- What do i do (if i join either branch) to become a sniper? I know for a fact i dont have 20/20 vision and someone told me that the military will take care of that for me (eye surgery) but i'm not sure.
2- which branch would i be better off to join if i actually want to become a sniper? And any details of traing would be great please..
3-Once i become a sniper, what happens? do i get sent to missions?(not that i'm worried it's just that i wouldn't want to become one if all i do all day is shoot at paper targets)
4- if i become a sniper would i have to stay enlisted longer?
5- I know that the military career opens many doors for a civilian career when i'm done and i wanted to know if i could get a related job when i become a civilian again..
6- i'm 17, i will graduate highschool in about 5 months, and my parents agreed to sign me off when i'm done with highschool.. i know i'm young and everyone tells me i have time to make my decision but i want some info first..
PS- i'm not joing the military or want to become a sniper just because i see cool movies or read GI JOE magazines, i want to join because i love my country and want to serve it in the best way that i can. i know that becoming a sniper is NO easy task and it's not going to be just a fun joyride,.. i am ready to take all the learning and practicing that it will take to become one.
Please answer these questions to their number form so i don't get confused and it would be great if someone answered from personal experience..
Army or Marine Sniper Questions?
1.What effect did secularization of the Spanish missions have on California?
A.It had no effect, the church continued to operate private missions.
B.It allowed more land for cattle ranching.
C.It led to more attacks from Native Americans.
D.It led to the establishment of small villages around the former missions.
2.Why did increased American settlement of California cause problems with Mexico?
A.American settlers unfairly took over land belonging to Mexico.
B.The differences between southern Mexico and California were now greater.
C.Mexico did not want Americans moving into California.
D.American settlers destroyed what Mexicans had built in California.
3.What Spanish policy did Mexico continue which led to a revolt against the government?
A.Only allowing Spanish Dons to own land
B.Utilizing Spanish as central language
C.Allowing Americans to settle in Texas
D.Heavily taxing trade
4.What did the National Colonization Act do?
A.Assigned empresarios to govern colonies in Texas.
B.Offered incentives for Americans to become Mexican citizens.
C.Taxed imports from foreign countries.
D.Built trading routes to increase emigration to Texas.
5.What problems did Mexico face as a result of Americans settling in Texas?
A.Increased theft and violence
B.Greater attacks from Native Americans
C.Overpopulation and tensions between Americans and Mexicans
D.Lack of acceptance by Americans of Mexican culture
6.What did Mexico do in attempt to resolve the concerns with American emigration?
A.Closed its borders to the United States.
B.Banned the import of slave labor.
C.Taxed imported goods.
D.All of the above
7.What did the two conventions in San Felipe, Texas in 1832 and 1833 request of the Mexican government?
A.Independence from Mexico
B.Lower taxes for empresarios
C.Reopened borders and lessened taxes on imports
D.Equal citizenship for Americans
8.Who was Sam Houston?
A.President of the conventions of San Felipe
B.Commander of Texas rebellion against Mexico
C.Brother of Empresario who rebelled against Mexican authority
D.Leader of a party of Tejanos who prevented potential rebellion
9.What happened at the Alamo in 1836?
A.Texan rebels delayed Santa Anna’s troops to allow the Texas army time to organize.
B.Texan rebels defeated Santa Anna’s troops despite being significantly outnumbered.
C.Texas won its independence from Mexico.
D.President Santa Anna was captured in battle.
10.How did Texas eventually gain its freedom?
A.The United States army intervened and together they defeated Mexico.
B.Santa Anna surrendered and agreed to grant Texas independence.
C.Santa Anna was captured and forced to sign an independence treaty.
D.Sam Houston negotiated with Mexico and agreed to pay for Texas territory.
still needing help! ugh.... lesson 10-2?
okay, this is going to be slightly long so i apologize.
Ive been dating my boyfriend for just about 2 years now. Everything started off really good. Until he started making friends. I then was pushed to being put last and they were all first. I dont care about friends but when you verbally say stuff to make me feel small in front of them like " ha ha if you dont like this show il kick you in the face" or "shut the fuck up get out of my car" it can be quite anoying. It got to a point where i couldnt take it any longer and i broke up with him for several months. He begged for me back saying that things were entirely different that he grew up and he realizes now what he had. So i decided id give him another try. For the first few weeks things were great. We were getting along he was considerate and caring. Then he springs on me that hes joining the army. Now its his life decision but i think if he considers me a major part of his life that he would of considered me in his decision. I was like well what about me like its time for us to start getting real jobs and settlign down. His words were im doing this its my decision if you want to be with me then wait hte 3 yrs here while im there keeping your legs shut or go find some "doushe bag" . I asked him why he wouldnt at least talk to me about ti because it has major ramifications in my life as well..he said cause he didnt end of story. So right now hes on hold waiting to see if they will let him in due to him having a GED and them currently only having room for a select amount of that. So now hes bitchy and rude talks to me like crap cause hes frustrated and is only thinking about that. I dont know what to do, ive approached him about how he talks to me he either says he doesnt talk to me disrespectfully or says he does it cause i do something to bring it on...advice please help.
I really need some opinions, please help?
1.What effect did secularization of the Spanish missions have on California?
A.It had no effect, the church continued to operate private missions.
B.It allowed more land for cattle ranching.
C.It led to more attacks from Native Americans.
D.It led to the establishment of small villages around the former missions.
2.Why did increased American settlement of California cause problems with Mexico?
A.American settlers unfairly took over land belonging to Mexico.
B.The differences between southern Mexico and California were now greater.
C.Mexico did not want Americans moving into California.
D.American settlers destroyed what Mexicans had built in California.
3.What Spanish policy did Mexico continue which led to a revolt against the government?
A.Only allowing Spanish Dons to own land
B.Utilizing Spanish as central language
C.Allowing Americans to settle in Texas
D.Heavily taxing trade
4.What did the National Colonization Act do?
A.Assigned empresarios to govern colonies in Texas.
B.Offered incentives for Americans to become Mexican citizens.
C.Taxed imports from foreign countries.
D.Built trading routes to increase emigration to Texas.
5.What problems did Mexico face as a result of Americans settling in Texas?
A.Increased theft and violence
B.Greater attacks from Native Americans
C.Overpopulation and tensions between Americans and Mexicans
D.Lack of acceptance by Americans of Mexican culture
6.What did Mexico do in attempt to resolve the concerns with American emigration?
A.Closed its borders to the United States.
B.Banned the import of slave labor.
C.Taxed imported goods.
D.All of the above
7.What did the two conventions in San Felipe, Texas in 1832 and 1833 request of the Mexican government?
A.Independence from Mexico
B.Lower taxes for empresarios
C.Reopened borders and lessened taxes on imports
D.Equal citizenship for Americans
8.Who was Sam Houston?
A.President of the conventions of San Felipe
B.Commander of Texas rebellion against Mexico
C.Brother of Empresario who rebelled against Mexican authority
D.Leader of a party of Tejanos who prevented potential rebellion
9.What happened at the Alamo in 1836?
A.Texan rebels delayed Santa Anna’s troops to allow the Texas army time to organize.
B.Texan rebels defeated Santa Anna’s troops despite being significantly outnumbered.
C.Texas won its independence from Mexico.
D.President Santa Anna was captured in battle.
10.How did Texas eventually gain its freedom?
A.The United States army intervened and together they defeated Mexico.
B.Santa Anna surrendered and agreed to grant Texas independence.
C.Santa Anna was captured and forced to sign an independence treaty.
D.Sam Houston negotiated with Mexico and agreed to pay for Texas territory.
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