national boss day 2009

National Boss Day 2009: How Do You Really Feel About Your Boss ...
Photo From Because we're in the business of recognizing Hallmark holidays (National Grouch Day?), I thought I'd point out that today, October 16, is National Boss Day. This is the day when employees are supposed to kiss-up thank ...
National Bosses Day 2009
Boss's Day (also known as Bosses Day or National Boss Day) is a secular holiday celebrated on October 16 in the United States. It has traditionally been a day.
The Daily Grind: National Boss Day edition - Massively
In honor of National Boss Day, we're asking you what boss holds the nearest and dearest spot in your memories. If you were sending a missive to one of your personal favorite bosses, who would it be? What would you say? ...
National Bosses Day 2009 | Manolith
National Bosses Day is back and this year, we're changing things up. Instead of thanking your boss for being the leader of your company, we ask that all subordinates rise up and act Like a Boss themselves.
History and Origin of National Boss Day | Blogoncherry
October 16th is National Bosses Day. Instead of writing an article to tell you to write greeting cards or poems for your boss, I want you to learn on how this.
Tomorrow is National Boss Day?! | Twirlit
Tomorrow is National Boss Day, and that just kinda ruffles my subordinate feathers. Reuters calls it a time for employees to thank their bosses for the job they do, and also to realize the daily pressures bosses face.
Prayer on National Boss Day - Prayer, Plain and Simple
Friday is National Boss Day, a time for employees to thank their bosses for the job they do. It's also a time to acknowledge the daily pressures managers have to endure. Patricia Bays Haroski launched this tradition in 1958 to honor.
Pink Slip: Happy National Boss Day? Or is it National Bass Day?
As for National Boss' Day, it's easy to imagine that there are some folksy, small town "It's a Wonderful Life" types of settings where people might actually observe this day with some earnestness, chipping in to buy "The Boss" a ...
Boss Day 2009
Boss Day 2009 Also known as “National Bosses Day”. Boss's Day is a United States secular holiday celebrated on October 16. It has traditionally been a day for employees to thank their superiors for being kind and fair throughout the ...
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