fort hood texas army base

FORT HOOD SHOOTINGS: 13 Dead, 31 Injured On Texas Military Base
The US Army says 13 people have been killed and 30 wounded in a shooting rampage on the Fort Hood Army base in Texas. Lt. Gen Bob Cone said at a news conference that one shooter has been killed.
Fort Hood Updates: 12 Dead, 31 Injured On Texas Military Base
Eleven people were killed and 31 wounded in multiple shootings Thursday at the Fort Hood Army base in Texas, the Army said. Read our live updates here.
12 killed, 31 wounded at Fort Hood army base | Raw Story
The shooting at the army base in Fort Hood, Texas, took place "minutes" before the start of a graduation ceremony for soldiers who had obtained degrees from extension schools, says a report from McClatchy news service. ...
Mass Shooting at Fort Hood - The Lede Blog -
As many as 12 people were killed and 31 wounded in a mass shooting at the Army base at Fort Hood, Texas, on Thursday. The suspected gunman, a military psychiatrist, was wounded but remains alive.
Malik Nadal Hasan Picture:Fort Hood Texas Army Base Mass Shooting
Malik Nadal Hasan Picture:Fort Hood Texas Army Base Mass Shooting-Fort Hood/Ft. Hood shooting coverage found.Major Malik Nadal Hasan picture/Malik Nadal Hasan.
Shooting at Fort Hood army base kills at least 12 - Posted
A shooting has killed at least seven people and wounded at least 20 at Fort Hood, Texas, one of the largest army bases in the United States. According to reports there are two possibly three suspects involved in the shooting. ...
Mass shooting at Fort Hood military base in Texas – MUSLIM Convert ...
Area and schools on lockdown. At least seven people are dead and 12 wounded in a shooting at Fort Hood in Texas so far, as this horrible story.
NewsDaily: At least 7 killed, 12 wounded in Texas shooting
At least seven people were killed and 12 wounded in a shooting at a US Army base in Fort Hood, Texas, an Army official said on Thursday.
Mass Murder at Army base Fort Hood in Texas,multiple victims shot ...
I am sad to report that a mass murder has occurred today at Fort Hood, Texas.Eleven people were killed and 31 wounded when gunmen opened fire at the massive Fort Hood Army Base in Texas just after 2:30 p.m. Thursday. ...
A Wavier to get my CDL....Need evidence from the Army?
im trying to google and search for answers...ill just tell my story rite here rite married to an E4 in the US Army. We have three children together and we are stationed at Fort Hood Texas. We live on base in on post housing. He and I are fighting rite now and are talking about divorcing. He is making it very very ugly. He told me he was gunna give me 400 dollars every paycheck thats 800 bucks a month. is he allowed to do that? especially since i have three kids one of which is special needs? He tells me he will make sure that I dont get money for myself...he doesnt want me to spend his money on me..which i obviously will have to do since i have to eat as well as my children...granted my kids come first but still...he told me he will go online order groceris and have them delivered to our house...can he do that? can he kick me off his bank account to where i have ZERO access to any money? He says hes gunna call housing and have them pack the house up so i and our children have no place to live can he kick me out? and if he does does he HAVE to give me the BAH the very same day he kicks me out? im sorry if this is too many just worried sick my kids arent gunna get taken care of due to his stubborn and hard headed ways. So please if you know the answer or know where i can find the answers to ALL my questions, please PLEASE let me know asap...thanks to all of you who do help me the way yes he is deployed
Army regulation question PLEASE help?
Colorado Army National Guard alerted to largest mobilization since World War II
DENVER - On Saturday, April 18, more than 400 soldiers of the Colorado National Guard will depart from Buckley Air Force Base en route to Fort Hood,
Texas, where they will spend nearly three months training at before heading to Iraq.
The unit, which will deploy in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom, is the largest Colorado Army National Guard unit to be mobilized since World War II.
As Wyoming prepares for the largest National Guard deployment in state history, much of the planning has gone into helping those who will be left behind for a year in communities scattered across the rural state.
Nearly 1,000 Soldiers will deploy in April to Iraq and Kuwait, leaving behind thousands of families and extended family members in nearly every community in the state.
MADISON, Wis. -- Wisconsin is saying farewell to thousands of Army National Guard Soldiers, bound for Iraq in the largest Wisconsin National Guard deployment in more than 50 years, which required an equally large send off Tuesday.
Largest Kentucky National Guard Deployment In History
Nevada Guard sees biggest mobilization since World War II
When 650 soldiers of the Nevada Army Guard’s 1st Squadron, 221st Cavalry begin their deployment to Afghanistan today, they’ll represent the largest single unit the Nevada National Guard has mobilized since World War II.
About 3,000 Illinois National Guard soldiers have been sent to Afghanistan as part of the largest deployment the state has seen since World War II.
Is Obama a War Monger? When is his trial?
preparation of their secession?
Fort Bliss
Red River Army Depot
Fort Hood
Fort Sam Houston/Camp Bullis
Ingleside Army Depot
Navy & Marine Corps:
Corpus Christi Naval Air Station/Naval Hospital/Naval Station
Kingsville Naval Air Station
Air Force:
Randolph AFB
Brooks City Base
Lackland AFB
Sheppard AFB
Air Force Plant 4 (formerly Carswell AFB)
Dyess AFB
Goodfellow AFB
Laughlin AFB
Coast Guard:
Group Corpus Christi
Group Galveston
Marine Safety Office Galveston
Marine Safety Office Houston
Marine Safety Office Port Arthur
Air Station Corpus Christi
Air Station Houston
Vessel Traffic Service Houston/Galveston
Total Personnel 194,965
Should the US Government start removing all military bases and coast guards from the State of Texas in?
what is the bast way to go about this i live in texas near fort hood army base and not many schools around here but i want to start off as a .....(PHLEBOTOMIST) then after that train to be a (RT--RADIOLIGY TECHNOLOGIST AKA X-RAY TECH ) then from there become a (MRI TECHNOLOGIST) is this a good way to go about it..... and who makes more money and RT with a mri certifacite.......or a mri tec with being a previous rt
i want to become a mri technologist?
That would say if 13 sierra field artillary is ON that duty station, or needed for employment? My hubby is 13 sierra and wants to know which bases it is on. We were at fort hood, texas... hes been to oklahoma, so thats out too, any others?what? hes not in either.
Is there a website if army duty stations...?
This gonna be alot to read but follow along please....
I'm a SPC in the Army & been in the Army for about 2 1/2 years(got 1 more year to ETS...and YES it said 3 1/2 years on my contract), Right now I'm in Korea, while my family(wife & 3 kids) are in Texas living at Fort Bliss till I get back(in Oct this year).
I might be going to Fort Hood after I come back for a couple months at Fort Bliss.
Now...I been in Korea for almost a year & my family been through alot issues....So far this is what happened:
- 1/2 the time I been here(Korea) my wife doesn't really know how to manage money, so we always seem to be in the hole in our bank account.
- My wife got reported to Child Protective Services in Texas saying she threaten to do "something" to our children. CPS so-called "watched" her for a few months but never went back to our house to check after the 1st visit..then closed the case.
- My Wife was/is diagnosed with Bi-Polar(she takes meds now but it only gets rid of 1/2 her symptoms)
- My 3 year old was/is diagnosed with Autism.
- My mother-in-law (who currently lives with my wife & kids) steals my wife's meds at times, & taught my 2 year old daughter to pinch people(even pinch her own mother).
Me and my wife plan on having my mother-in-law move out....So when I get back to Fort Bliss in Oct, I'll be able to help my wife with the kids because my mother in-law helps but we can't really trust her with certain things.
Now here's the thing.......What if I do go to Fort hood....It's a rapid deployable base & if I get deployed, My wife won't have any help with the kids(ages: 10 months,2 years and 3 years). I also mentioned she's Bi-polar & at times she forgets to take her meds. So I'm worried about what's gonna happen to the kids if I'm not there to help.
Sure there's all these "Programs" in the Army that help you out with families with special needs....BUT are they as reliable as me when being there to help with my wife?
There's not really anyone on my side of the family that can help with my wife because they're trying to live their lives. As for my wife's side of the family...she doesn't like being around them too much & they add to the depression she already has with being Bi-Polar.
Now here's my question.....Under these certain reasons can I still be deployed?
I mean MY FAMILY comes first & foremost..not the Army. And if somehow they send me to get deployed & the reasons above stay the same....I'll just have to detach myself from the Army in someway shape or form...I don't want to do that but as a LAST resort & for wife & kids I will.
BTW...We can hardly effort daycare on base(even with the "deployment discount") that's out of the question on taking care of our kids.
When we had money issues a Lt. at Fort Bliss referred that my wife go to a Financial Class.....she didn't go.Jason: So...I'm not allowed to support my wife in raising our kids even tho she has a mental illness which at times is DANGER to people around her & herself..including to our impatient Autistic son(3 years old) who she says is the worst out of our 3 kids?
Yeah ummm.....if and when i get deployed no matter what...and something happens to my wife or kids in which no ARMY program can really stop because it happened in the privacy of our home...than who do I blame?
And if I could..I would move out the country to be with my family....So it's FAMILY 1st! My Country 2nd...
Non-Deployable under certain reasons?
If you had a choice, would you go there?deployments aside... would you go there?
Army bases- Is fort hood (texas) a nice base??
Looking for old friend I hear he is in Iraq. I know he was based out of Fort Hood in Texas....he is in the Army.
who Knows what troops from Fort Hood are deployed in Iraq?
Activity by gangs in military is increasing
By Daniel Borunda / El Paso Times
Article Launched: 03/31/2007 12:00:00 AM MDT
The infiltration of gangs into the U.S. military is not only a growing concern in El Paso but is also considered a potential threat to national security and law enforcement.
Weapon thefts, homicides and even the appearance of U.S. street-gang graffiti on military equipment in Iraq are among crimes featured in a National Gang Intelligence Center report on gangs in the military.
The report mentions Fort Bliss.
The issue of gang members in the military was raised Friday by El Paso County Attorney José Rodríguez at a gang investigators seminar at Burges High School.
"We still have a gang problem here in El Paso (even if) it is not as serious as L.A. or San Antonio," said Rodríguez, whose office was behind the city's civil injunction that targeted the Barrio Azteca gang.
Since 2004, the FBI and El Paso Police Department have identified more than 40 suspected military-affiliated members of the Folk Nation gang alliance stationed at Fort Bliss, stated the Jan. 12 report by the National Gang Intelligence Center.
"As far as gangs
in the military, they do have gangs in the military. As far as Fort Bliss is concerned, we are trying to identify gang members in Fort Bliss," said Sgt. Reginald Moton of the El Paso Police Gang Unit.
A Fort Bliss spokeswoman referred questions to the Army Criminal Investigations Division in Washington, D.C., which could not be reached for comment late Friday.
According to police figures, 492 active street gangs, party crews and other groups in El Paso have 4,657 members.
The national intelligence center report, titled "Gang-Related Activity in the U.S. Armed Forces Increasing," lists a homicide that El Paso police gang investigators said on Friday could have links to the Chicago-based Folk Nation.
In December 2004, Jamal Ra shad Davis allegedly shot and killed 19-year-old Jurell Battles during a fight in Northeast El Paso.
Davis, now 23, was a Fort Bliss Army private with the 286th Signal Company of the 11th Air Defense Artillery Brigade.
Investigators suspect Davis may also had ties to the Folk Nation. Davis' trial is pending.
The Folk Nation is described as an alliance of gangs, though the group, according to member blogs, describes itself as a family dedicated to the improvement of its members.
The intelligence center report, which is labeled "unclassified/law-enforcement sensitive," mentions that members of rival gangs often put aside differences while in the military.
"Rival gang members stationed at Fort Bliss, for instance, have joined forces to commit assaults on civilian gang members," the document stated.
The report also states that some gang members join the military to escape the gang lifestyle but others keep gang connections intact.
"The extent of gang presence in the armed services is often difficult to determine, since many enlisted gang members conceal their gang affiliation. ... The military enlistment of gang members could ultimately lead to a worldwide expansion of U.S.-based gangs," the document warned.
The report also cautioned that military-dependent children may be targeted by gangs for membership because "the transient nature of their families often makes them feel isolated, vulnerable and in need of companionship."
The influx of 20,000 new soldiers and their families to Fort Bliss in the coming years has local law enforcement watching for potential problems.
Some of the new soldiers are transfers from Fort Hood, Texas. El Paso police sent investigators to Killeen because it had seen problems with military-affiliated gangs from Fort Hood.
In 2005, the Temple Daily Telegram reported of a trial of an Army sergeant stationed at Fort Hood who was the reputed leader of the Gangsters Disciples Killeen chapter that was involved in armed robberies, drug dealings and identity theft. The Gangsters Disciples are part of the Folk Nation.
The huge number of new arrivals has El Paso authorities keeping watch for any potential problems.
"Obviously with all the troops coming in, the FBI has been collecting intelligence with what kind of gang activity may be coming in with those troops. We want to be prepared," said El Paso FBI office spokeswoman Special Agent Andrea Simmons.
"With the numbers of people coming to El Paso affiliated with Fort Bliss -- not just soldiers but dependents and new businesses -- with any group you will have a few folks who will be of the criminal mind-set," Simmons said.
Daniel Borunda may be reached at; 546-6102.
What do you think about what is happening to and in the U.S. Army?
We live in Harker Heights, Texas which is a up and coming town. It is right next door to Killeen, Texas which is home to Fort Hood Army base.... which is the largest in the country.
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